Let the AI suggest your website layout and content based on your industry.
That's already it, your site is created! Anyone can do it
Drag and drop building blocks. Want to make precise adjustments to the layout? Add filters and effects to pictures? Animate an element? No problem. Do all that and more directly on the page
Boost your copy-writing with ChatGPT. Ask Odoo to generate your website’s content from a simple prompt, or improve your current text by applying the right tone in one click.
Boost your copy-writing with ChatGPT. Ask Odoo to generate your website’s content from a simple prompt, or improve your current text by applying the right tone in one click.
+47 References
Your website is free forever with our One App Free plan, including hosting, unlimited support, and maintenance. No ads or limits. And the icing on the cake? Your domain name is free.
Your website is automatically adapted on all devices, and you can decide what is visible on mobile or not.
Install different languages and translate the content directly from any page.
Discover a wide range of illustrations and high-resolution photos available on the Unsplash library to prettify your website.
Get stunning visual effects and animate blocks, texts, and backgrounds.
Learn more about your visitors and act accordingly with our analytic dashboard.
Get a personalized demo of our SAP solutions and see how they can streamline your operations
Get a personalized demo of our Odoo systems and see how they can transform your business!